Kelsey: I’m worried about my gut microbiome.
Dennis: Like the movie with Pauly Shore?
Kelsey: That’s Bio-Dome.
Dennis: Right. With the guy who shot that lady for real on the set of the movie.
Kelsey: No, that was Alec Baldwin. Bio-Dome stars Stephen Baldwin and Pauly Shore.
Dennis: Okay. But why are you worried about them?
Kelsey: I’m not. I’m worried about my gut microbiome. It’s like this cocktail of stuff in your body and scientists are basically discovering that its health is probably connected to a whole list of things in your general health.
Dennis: What makes you worried?
Kelsey: Yesterday I ate 17 Oreos.
Dennis: That’s a lot. Why-
Kelsey: They were gluten free!
Dennis: Okay.
Kelsey: So don’t judge me.
Dennis: I’m not. I didn’t.
Kelsey: Gluten is bad.
Dennis: Says who?
Kelsey: Are you kidding? It’s everywhere. This stuff is really serious. You have to take it seriously
Dennis: Gluten doesn’t bother me. And also, I didn’t eat all those Oreos, you did. So don’t-
Kelsey: I did.
Dennis: I know.
Kelsey: I…I put them into a bowl with milk and ate them with a spoon.
Dennis: Like cereal..
Kelsey: Yeah.
Dennis: -
Kelsey: I was watching Grey’s Anatomy. It was 9:45 am.
Dennis: -
Kelsey: On a Wednesday.
Dennis: Is this a- call for help?
Kelsey: Should I get bangs?
End of play.
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In the past I have made proclamations about the regularity in which I might publish here. This time, I’ll have none of that. You might see me tomorrow or it might be another two years.
Only time will tell.
I was so happy to see this in my inbox! <3