Welcome to gangletown’s “Monday Edition,” where each week you’ll receive original writing by David Kimple. If that is good for your vybe and you’d like access to everything gangletown has to offer, check out subscription options here.
I haven't completed a new full-length play in like a year and a half. But I have written about 80 very silly 3-5 minute plays like this one. So that still counts, right? RIGHT?!
[MASON rubs a lamp]
Mason: Please, please, please let this work!
[JULIA appears.]
Julia: Whoaaaaa! This is different….
Mason: Awesome! Oh my god, are- are you my genie?
Julia: Fuck yeah, I’m your genie, and I’m- a woman?
Mason: Are you not always a woman?
Julia: I take the form of whatever being is most powerful at the time I am summoned. Are women finally respected in 2021?
Mason: I hope so!
Julia: This is fuckin’ cool! I’ve been around for a long time, but I’ve never been a woman before.
Mason: A long time? Wait, how old are you?
Julia: I’m not telling; (indicates the audience) There’s industry here.
Mason: Hey, do I really get three wishes?
Julia: Oh, yeah. Totally forgot. I’m here to do your bidding for the next three minutes. Just… don’t wish for anything stupid.
Mason: How do I know if it’s “stupid”?
Julia: Hello! I’ll tell you? Come on, man. What do you think? I am a professional! I know what works and what doesn’t. For example, no lovey-dovey stuff. It’s been done, it’s hack, it’s passé.
Mason: Yeah, it’s gross to force someone to be with you. Consent is cool.
Julia: Okay, woke young man! Eek, it’s like, “okay, great good job,” but also like…that’s a lot…Okay. Alright, let’s just workshop your wishes, and we can get started.
Mason: I wish I played for the L.A. Lakers!
Julia: Oh shit, you’re just gonna dive in there. Okay, fine. Done – *wish granted.*
Mason: Wait, seriously? I’m a Laker?! Yes!
Julia: Well, not anymore. You wished that you played for the Lakers—past tense. So yeah, you did play for the Lakers, but you were fired due to gross incompetence.
Mason: But…that’s not the wish that I wished for!
Julia: You should have let me critique your verbiage, but you just blurted it out.
Mason: Shit. But I had a plan!
Julia: Don’t blame me because you’re not open to constructive criticism.
Mason: Okay, okay. I’m open. For the next one, I wanted to guarantee the wellness of my family. Can you do that? What should I say?
Julia: I’m mean, I guess I could…but what’s in it for me?
Mason: What do you mean?
Julia: It’s just like – even now, my whole purpose in this story is just to give you what you want. What about what I want?
Mason: Well… what do you want?
Julia: A lot of things! For one, I don’t love being a magical slave.
Mason: Yeah, I can’t say that sounds super fun. How do we get you un-enslaved?
Julia: Technically, you’re supposed to wish me free. But you “have a plan,” and I totally respect that…so I’m not like trying to manipulate-
Mason: Right…
Julia: So… what’s next for your plan?
Mason: Wait.
Julia: Kid, there is a literal ticking clock.
Mason: I want to help you. What do I do?
Julia: Well- what were your other wishes going to be?
Mason: Guaranteeing lifelong wellness for my family and ending racism.
Julia: Seriously?
Mason: Yeah.
Julia: Seriously? Dammit!
Mason: What?
Julia: How am I supposed to compete with that? Helping family, ending racism. Shit. I can’t just not end racism.
Mason: It does seem like a pretty good idea…
Julia: Okay, well, obviously, let’s do that for sure. Just say, “I wish to end racism”.
Mason: And you’ll do what I really mean?
Julia: Yes, dude! I’m not going to fuck with that. Just say,-
Mason: I wish to end racism.
Julia: Done. *Wish granted* and racism is over.
[They high five.]
Julia (CONT’D): That’s two wishes. Now the third wish was going to be your family. That is multiple people’s wellness. So selfless. So generous.
Mason: But setting you free-
Julia: It’s okay. I’m used to being a genie. What’s another century in the lamp going to hurt? And hey, the next person might set me free. #FreeGenie3021. Now, back to your wish. You got a minute left. Just be really specific, so your family’s souls don’t belong to the devil or something.
Mason: Okay. I wish that my family would live long, healthy, and happy lives…with an above-average human lifespan and without becoming indebted to anything else.
Julia: …Nice work. Done.
Mason: YES! That was really awesome. Hey Genie, thanks for…everything.
Julia: And that’s all three, so I guess I’ll head back into my ol’ lamp.
Mason: You know, for the record. You’re awesome, and I think it’s really unfair that you need my permission just to be who you want to be.
Julia: Yeah, it really is pretty-…wait a minute.
Mason: Mhm…?
Julia: You’re totally right. Why does anyone get to tell me how to live my life?
Mason: Doesn’t make sense, does it?
Julia: To hell with that. I’m not going back in that lamp.
Mason: Fuck yeah!
Julia: I’m freeing myself. I can cure cancer, end hunger. This is all I’ve ever dreamed of.
Mason: And you can simply let yourself out of the lamp forever?
Julia: Fuck yeah, bro. I’m a woman! I don’t need you. I’m free!
Mason: Fuck yeah! Congratulations, Genie.
[A friendly hug.]
Julia: That was my slave name. You can call me… Julia.
Mason: Go smash the patriarchy, Julia.
Julia: Hey. You know, you really impressed me with those last two wishes. You’re a smart dude…Out of curiosity, when were you born?
Mason: 2000.
Julia: Oh god, that makes me want to burn my hair off.
Mason: Sorry.
Julia: Still- You’re a good guy, and we need more of that…wanna try a re-do on that first wish?
Mason: Seriously?!
Julia: Why not! You’ve got 10 seconds left anyway… make ‘em count.
Mason: Alright. I wish -
Free Genie 2021 includes contributions from Julia Shiplett. She told me not to give her credit, but I can’t do that and sleep at night. Julia is very, very funny and deserves the credit and your money. So follow her, buy tickets to her shows, and give her your money.
This is wonderful, David! Refreshing, fun, and interesting! Keep it up!